About the Brand

Hi! It's me, Patrice!

I've always believed that being an artist means breaking the mold. As a gemologist with a passion for modern design, each collection I bring to life is a reflection of my personal journey, a testament to my love for style, detail, and all things beautiful.

But to be clear – Gatto Mancini is not just about me; it's about celebrating the extraordinary in life, the sanctity of life itself.

I see you!

You're someone who recognizes and values the beauty in life's extraordinary moments, and that's what truly inspires me. I'm on a mission to create jewelry that resonates with those who cherish life.

My story begins in a world of art and creativity. Growing up amidst the vibrant canvases of my parents' art gallery, I was surrounded by endless inspiration and possibilities. My formal education, focused on architecture at the pioneering Cooper Union in NYC, refined my artistic sensibilities and shaped my approach to design.

My career as an architect provided me with a solid foundation in form, space, and structure – skills that unexpectedly led me to the world of jewelry design. The moment I fell head over heels in love with jewelry design, life took an unexpected turn. This newfound passion set my heart on fire and propelled me into the world of metal-smithing, wax model making, and gemology. Life has a funny way of leading us down unexpected paths, doesn't it?

"I design Extraordinary Jewelry for Those Who See the Extraordinary in Life."

In a world that often prioritizes fleeting trends, I stand firm in my belief in the importance of contributing to building a culture of life that honors individuality. My creations are not just pieces of jewelry; they're an embodiment of my heart's desire and are proudly "Made in the USA," a testament of my commitment to tradition and authenticity.

When you wear a Gatto Mancini design, it's not just about making a fashion statement; it's about making a statement about life and your unique journey. My deepest hope is that you'll find pieces that tell your story, that resonate with your appreciation for the extraordinary, and that reflect your heart-centered values.

I hope my heart’s desire is yours too.

See me.

See my latest creations.

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